Strengthen lazy eye using Virtual reality
watch the videos on your smart phone using a portable VR glass anywhere you like

How many English Letters can you see in the image? try with both eyes

How much is the cost of a VR glass?
Portable VR glasses are as cheap as $2 on ebay including shipping. Just search portable VR glass on ebay and check the prices. There are even VR glass cases for different phones.
Can you watch the videos using a VR Headset?
Yes! You can watch the videos using your VR headset but remember not to plug in the usb port .
Why VR Videos for strengthening the weak eye?
First of all watching Video is fun. There are VR games designed to show slightly different content to each eye and it has been very effective on people who have tried it. VR games are very expensive and are only accessible through limited vision therapy centres. The principle of watching video or playing game is almost the same as both techniques aim to portray slightly different content to each eye to stimulate the weak eye. Videos can be watched on any smart phone and can be accessed anywhere anytime.
Is the price reasonable?
At the moment the price is only $7 for accessing the contents. $7 is nothing compared to the time it takes to create the videos. It will also cover the cost of creating more fascinating videos so that you can watch them without getting bored.